Robert picked us up at 9:00 and entertained us all the way to the hotel. Robert is one of those guys who has a million stories, and they are all interesting.
We checked in at the hotel and then headed directly to Starbucks for a caffeine jolt. Once I start taking the decadron I.ll have to avoid caffeine but not yet.
We used the covered walkway to get to the clinic. And now we're sitting in the waiting room for them to take my blood.
Rachael Ray is on the TV but we are both reading.
Lou's reading a dinosaur book that he keeps raving about.
I'm reading The Radley's, which is about a vampire family in a village in England. It is awesome! The parents are abstaining from blood, and their 2 teenagers don't even know yet that they are vampires.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone
Is Robert single?
As always, you are in my Ts & Ps
Love ya
Hopefully Lou can find a lunch Buddy that will not abandon him in the middle of the room. I am sorry about that.
Happily married!
But thanks for making me laugh out loud!
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