Friday, June 8, 2012

Good Day

It's still early, but today is shaping up to be a really good day.

I woke up at 6:30 and caught Lou sneaking out to the hot tub. (I am still not allowed to submerge myself in water yet.) His back has been bothering him, and the hot tub helps.

I felt pretty good and started my PT exercises. They were taking forever because I was just lying there not moving in between each set. I'd think, "Okay, let's go, lift that leg," and nothing would happen.

What finally got me moving was that Lou popped his head in the bedroom and asked me to make him a salmon bagel for breakfast.

I haven't made him breakfast in so long --- I am usually asleep till long after he's eaten. So I was psyched to be able to do it today. Plus he's always hungry after soaking in the hot tub, so I knew if I dilly-dallied too long, he'd make it himself.

After breakfast, my friend Julie dropped in for an hour to talk. We even walked to Joe and Peg's mailbox, very slowly of course. (My PT person verified that it was okay to walk up the hill.)

After my walk, I sat on ice and started feeling tired. So Julie split and now I'm back in bed, ready to fall asleep.

It's already been quite a full day!

And I feel a lot more cheerful today.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone


Tinalynne said...

Whoohoo for a good day! I hope continued to be good! Hey Hol, said you sponsored her, thank you for doing that, she was tickled and thinks your awesome! I did tell her you were awesome so she can just believe it now! Luv you lots and lots and lots.

Karen said...

Yes, Lou and I "sponsored" Holly in some race to raise money for cancer research.

Anonymous said...

SOOOO Glad you are having a better day! Love, Sharon

Carol Quast said...

Hope you're still getting better and better. Love, Carol