Thursday, July 1, 2010

Something To Look Forward To


That is my name spelled out in hieroglyphs that I found on the web!

Lou and I have booked a trip to Egypt for next April. I have wanted to see the pyramids for years and years, but I didn't think that Egypt was a safe place to go. Turns out that Egypt is very tourist friendly and safe. Plus, the dollar is strong there.

I know that I already told you about how we booked a Celebrity cruise for October 2011 that had two days in Egypt, and that was exciting enough. (We are cancelling that cruise!)

On Father's Day, we went to a play with Nick and Sharon, and in the playbill, there was an advertisement for a Deluxe Egyptian Adventure. As we waited for the play to start, we read through the itinerary and were completely blown away. It's a 10 day trip, starting and ending in a 5 star Cairo hotel, but the entire middle is a cruise on the Nile on the M/S Jasmin! So... instead of two days in Eqgypt and HOURS on a bus we get eight days in Egypt and very little time on a bus!  (The travel agent said that bus rides are 30 minutes or less at each stop on the Nile. Gosh, I hate being trapped on a bus.)

This tour will benefit the NC State Arts Program. It is run by The Travel Guys of Raleigh.  Here is the official trip link in case you are interested in joining us!

Here is a random link that I found that shows the boat we'll be on, on the Nile:

If you decide to join us, tell The Travel Guys we sent you so we can get $50 off our price!  ;^)   We sent in all our paperwork yesterday.  We signed up for travel insurance, just in case we have to cancel.

Egypt seems like the kind of place where you want to know a little something before you go. Sort of like Rome. You have to know something in order to maximize your enjoyment. So I sent away for a Teaching Company course on ancient Egypt. It's a series of 48 lectures on DVD, and we have already watched six of them. It's awesome. I just wish I also had the CD version so I could listen again to each lecture in the car, to reinforce it.


Robyn Denson said...

Hey Karen!

Your trip sounds wonderful! I am envious...I can't say I've always wanted to go to Egypt but I do lilke to "go"!

I loved the pic of you with your parents and Lou. I know you are going to miss O & P, though.

Thanks for so faithfully recording your days and sharing overcoming the obstacles in your path-be they large or small...

Sending you love and hugs!

Karen said...

We heard from The Travel Guys that our tour is completely booked, and that there is a waiting list.

We'll have a chance in March to meetin everyone and get advice on what to pack, etc.

I am so excited!