Thursday, August 5, 2010

Emending the Plan

I dragged around all afternoon yesterday, yawning and sleepy. I actually had my eyes closed during part of one Egypt lecture. But when it was finally time to go to bed, I woke up and got all fidgety. Darn that Decadron.  Dr R had given me half the usual dose because I started a new anti-nausea drug yeseterday, so I had hoped to be able to sleep easily.  The new drug is Emend. We're trying it because last time, I was on Decadron, Zofran, and Compazine and still was nauseated.  So Emend is like the big gun; with any lucky I won't need any Zofran or Compazine.

I also think it made a big difference that I took Compazine and Jolly Ranchers yesterday so that I did not start feeling mauseated when they accessed my port. Once that nausea starts, it is so hard to get rid of.

Last night, Lou went to bed without me.  I puttered around quietly in my office, surfed the web looking at silverware, and watched part of a Miss Marple DVD from Netflix.

At about 2:00AM, a thunderstorm was right over our house. It was amazing.  It woke up Sam and Lou, and then they came looking for me.  Lou talked me into trying to come to bed, but first I had to burn off some energy, so I washed the baking dish which had been sooking in the sink since dinner and then I tried washing all our existing silverware with a paste of baking soda to try to make it shinier.  Mixed results.  (Again with the mixed results!)

I woke up just after 8:00AM.  That is five hours of sleep.  I feel okay right now, and I plan to log on to work for a half day.

Here is the outrageous silverware I fell in love with while I was surfing the web. It's Palace Orchard from Reed and Barton, totally on sale right now because it is being discontinued.  It is so bold and beautiful!  I hope it will look good next to my good china, and not be a distraction.

Here is my good china.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are still staying afloat and making good use of awake time on the web...hopefully, you can stay as scheduled and as always our prayers and good wishes are going your way...on the down side if you had stayed in MA you could have gone to the Reed and Barton outlet in Taunton and shopped at better prices....for a tiny space it holds nice stuff...I think they even have some china and nice glassware!!!! so take care TTYL Love, Mrs. S. xxoo

Anonymous said...

Karen, I'm a little slow to catch up with you. So sorry you did not get the 100% great news you would want...*&!#*?^@ cancer!! Go figure that one out! I hope there is a chemo break at some point. Keep us posted.

Love your dinner plates by the way;-)

Kathy from Kent