Saturday, August 28, 2010

Avoid Your Favorite Foods

Helpful tip sheets about surviving chemo warn you to avoid your favorite foods when you are nauseated, because you might associate that feeling with that food -- and completely ruin your favorite foods forever.

I haven't ruined any food, but I think I might have ruined The Andy Griffith Show in a similar manner.  For the last couple of days, I have been nauseated and too exhausted to sleep or read or converse intelligently. All I could manage was watching TV. So I have been working my way through season 1 of  The Andy Griffith Show thanks to NetFlix. I really enjoyed the epsiodes, especially Don Knotts. I had forgotten how hysterical he was!  But I was sitting there, nauseated and tired and occasionally drifting off to sleep.  So I found myself clearing out season 2 from my NetFlix queue. I just can't face it right now.

I've got some Miss Marple coming instead.  Plus I have a lot of good stuff piled up in my Tivo queue.

It's about 4:30AM on Saturday. I am thrilled to report that I am finally not nauseated.  I am trying to be very quiet so I don't wake up Lou or Samantha.  I cannot iron, because my iron died yesterday. It got really hot, burned my ironing board cover, and then refused to heat up after that. Total bummer. (Apparently, no matter how awful I feel, I can still amuse myself by ironing.)

I am not sure what the heck wrinkly outfit I am going to wear to work on Monday!  But I have surfed the web (oh the joy of chemo insomnia!) and order a new Rowenta from Macy's.
Rowenta DW9080 Iron "Steamium"

I am pretty psyched!  Free shipping, so I have to wait an entire week. Maybe one of my neighbors will take pity on me and lend me their iron for some Sunday afternoon entertainment.

Update at 8:30AM:  I walked Sam in the dark at 6:00AM, a slow stroll around the block, sniffing everything. We even woke up a little birdie sleeping on the front porch when we left the house!  Then I went along for a longer walk, for a total of 2.6 miles this morning. There was this amazing sweet smell on the breeze.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are managing to stay ahead of the symptons/side effects, despite iron being out of commission....:) however, when you are fully operational again with iron, let us know....I can send more to do and that will make you happy...keep up the good spirits and as always love, thoughts and prayers are going your way!!! Love ya' Mrs. S. xxxooo

Anonymous said...

Love Your Posts! Thank You! Love and Hugs, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Karen is Ironwoman!! That brought back memories of your ironing habit. I had forgotten. Iron on!

from Kent

Anonymous said...

Karen is Ironwoman!! That brought back memories of your ironing habit. I had forgotten. Iron on!

from Kent