Why invoke the spirits of Ricky and Lucy? I am married to the most wonderful guy in the world. But there are times when Lou lets loose a stream of Spanish at me in a very Ricky Ricardo style. After 17 years I know what some of those words mean! But I say, "Yes Ricky!" and we laugh.
You look great!!
OMG! That is too cute! CQ
Gosh I think this is an awful picture of me! My face is so red from the Decadron! I can't even open my eyes in the sunshine! ;^) But my hair is cute.
You look even better in real life! :-)
I am signing up for the healing touch!
You made a good choice getting that wig--it is cute and we like it.
Love ya,
The picture doesn't do you justice...the wig looks absolutely fabulous on you! The color is so great for you...maybe when your hair comes back you should consider that color as a permanent thing for a while...not that I have anything against blondes!
I could not believe how great you looked on Sunday...ok a little tired but the hair and new purse were right on!
The Healing Touch agrees with you!
And we had a great 3D experience...
Love you!
Hi Karen, you look GREAT!!!
Love you, Debbie P.
Karen, all I can say is "YOU GO GIRL" Your pictures is great and one would never know you had a wig on.
Please, please continue with Healing Touch. Have you given up the sugar yet????? I continue to keep you in the light.
You look great Karen. But, I already told you that last week. You tell Lou(ie) that I am so confused. Ricky? Lou? Louie? Missed you Saturday. Keeping you in my T's & P's. Love ya.
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