Monday, February 1, 2010

My Dear Friend Michael

I am up early again but today it is not the prednisone.

We got the call from Tinalynne around 4:30AM that her husband Michael had passed away after his courageous battle with cancer.

Michael was just the most awesome guy.

You know I blather on and on here about all my tests and my feelings and my side efffects and how many centimeters things are, because it gives me comfort to share the news and for me it makes it so much easier to trudge this road because I am always thinking, "Ooooh, I have to remember to put THAT in my blog!"

But Michael was a really private guy, so I won't tell you much here except that he was someone you were really glad to be friends with, a veteran, active in his church, devoted to his family, wicked ridiculously funny and fun to be with. Never said a bad word about anyone.

In the grand tradition of the Old West, he went back East, found himself a lovely bride, and brought her back to beautiful Montana which is truly God's country. (That's how I met him, when my best friend from college fell in love with him.)

So if you have a moment, would you pray for Michael who is with God in Heaven, and also for Tinalynne and the rest of the family?


Anonymous said...

please express our deepest sympathy to Tinalynn and her family...we remember them fondly when they visited "across the street" and esp. his great help and enthusiasm for your parents yard sale...our thoughts and prayers are w. them all Love, Mrs. S.

Anonymous said...

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